A List of Game Dev Resources

A constantly updated (yet never really finished) list of my favorite game development resources. I keep this list for myself, since some of these are YouTube Channels that are no longer uploading new content but still contain a ton of great info, so I might as well make it public. It is important to note, though, that I am Unreal based, so I am ignoring a lot (and I really do mean A LOT) of great Unity content out there.

General GameDev free resources (mostly YouTube channels):

  • Game Developers Conference
    A must. It’s something to scan of each year after the GDC has happened for new information, post-mortems, etc. Very much all encompassing but an incredible resource.
  • GDC Vault
    An extension of the YouTube Channel with extra material. Some videos might not be available for free, it depends.
  • GameMaker’s Tool Kit
    Another generalist channel with tons of info on just about every sub-topic in game development.
  • Brackeys
    Great channel, fantastic tutorials and enthusiasm. Unity centered but the concepts and pseudo-code can always be migrated to Unreal if you understand the principles. No longer uploading but great library of educational material.
  • Mix and Jam
    Fantastic short tutorials on recreating gameplay mechanics from a lot of AAA games. This one too seems to have no new uploads. But still, another great resource.
  • Unreal Learn Portal
    Tons of official Epic Games tutorials as well as community content.

Topic-specific free resources:

  • Makin’ Stuff Look Good In Video Games
    For all your shader needs!
  • Design Doc
    Game design analysis and theoretical content
  • Noclip
    Amazing game dev documentaries and behind the scenes information
  • The Level Design Book
    Brillant compendium of all things level design. A must.
  • Cherno
    A coding channel with amazing insights. There’s even a full 3D engine coding implementation here. Fantastic stuff.
  • Jabrils
    Another great coding specific channel. Some awesome machine learning stuff here, too!
  • LearnCPP
    THE place to learn C++. I can’t describe this website in any other way. It’s second to none.
  • FreeCodeCamp
    Great intro to several languages. It also has a C++ coding course on their YT channel that is worth a watch.
  • UE5 Style Guide
    If you plan on working with medium to large code-bases, you should probably consult this every step of the way when you are doing small and manageable games. The habits you’ll build will make your work scalable.

Some paid resources (but not expensive!):

  • GameDev.tv
    A great resource with tons of content for Blender, Unity and Unreal. The C++ content is fantastic, as well as the “Math for game developers”, which finally unlocked quaternion rotations beyond the abstract for me. You can usually find these courses at a very heavy discount if you look around in Humble Bundle or similar websites. Great stuff.

Some books: